
School of Health Sciences

Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences

Supporting people to have good social relationships utilizing professional communication skills to foster specialists with empathy and quick response in speech- language and hearing function

The ability to communicate through speech and language is uniquely human. Speech therapists can provide scientifi c treatment to meet the needs of individuals with various types of speech-language and hearing disorders as well as cognitive and swallowing malfunctions. The 21st century is defined as “the era for the mind and the brain,” and our speech therapy is based on the development of neuroscience. Therefore, services to be provided by speech therapists are rapidly increasing. Our goal is to foster specialists with knowledge and competence. In addition, the university operates our Speech-Language and Hearing Center on campus where students obtain fi eldwork experience through person-to-person instruction by the teaching staff.

Case inquiry
Case inquiry
Examination for children with hearing disabilities
Examination for children with hearing disabilities

Features of the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences

6,500,000 people with speech and hearing disabilities are in need of appropriate support of speech therapists.
Our outstanding curriculum is clinical practice training.
Speech therapists are now coping with various disorders and disabilities in many areas.

Four-year Curriculum

Four-year Curriculum (Department of Occupational Therapy)

Four-year Curriculum (Department of Occupational Therapy)

Curriculum Outline

  • Aphasia and Functional Brain Disorders
  • Developmental Disorders in Speech and Language
  • Speech and Phonation Disorders
  • Athrocytosis and Swallowing Disorders
  • Dysacusis and Hearing Disorders
  • Clinical Training
  • National Licenses
    • National Licenses
    • Speech Theraoist
  • Expected Places of Work for Graduates
    • Hospitals
    • Rehabilitation centers for both in-and out-patients
    • Educational facilities for children with communication handicaps
    • Facilities for the elderly
    • Nursery for infants with hearing disorders
    • Special classe in regular schools
    • Communication eqipment industry
    • Educational/research institutions