
助教 溝井 健太
物理系薬学実習、基礎薬学実習Ⅰ(物理) -
千葉科学大学 薬学部薬学科 卒業 学士(薬学)
千葉科学大学大学院 薬学研究科薬学専攻 修了 博士(薬学)
千葉科学大学 危機管理学部 博士研究員
高崎健康福祉大学 薬学部 博士研究員・助手
有限会社つばさ薬局 菅谷薬局 管理薬剤師
薬剤師 -
- エピソード薬物動態学 第2版 ―薬物動態学の解明―(京都廣川書店)2023
- Zhang X, Kaneko M, Liu W, Stephen OA, Nakamura K, Yamaguchi M, Yoshida C, Oishi T, Kobayashi S, Mizoi K, Ogihara T. Analysis of Protein Digestion and Absorption Using a Ussing Chamber to Simulate the Environment in the Digestive Tract. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2024, 70(2):158-163.
- Perera LMB, Okazaki K, Woo Y, Takahashi S, Zhang X, Mizoi K, Takahashi T, Ogihara T. Clinical Analysis and in Vitro Correlation of BCRP-Mediated Drug-Drug Interaction in the Gastrointestinal Tract. Biol Pharm Bull. 2024, 47(4):750-757.
- Mizoi K, Okada R, Mashimo A, Masuda N, Itoh M, Ishida S, Yamazaki D, Ogihara T. Novel Screening System for Biliary Excretion of Drugs Using Human Cholangiocyte Organoid Monolayers with Directional Drug Transport. Biol Pharm Bull. 2024, 47(2):427-433.
- Sunakawa H, Mizoi K, Takahashi R, Takahashi S, Ogihara T. Impact of P-Glycoprotein-Mediated Drug-Endogenous Substrate Interactions on Androgen and Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability. J Pharm Sci. 2024, 113(1):228-234.
- Martha L, Nakata A, Furuya S, Liu W, Zhang X, Mizoi K, Ogihara T. Transporter and metabolic enzyme-mediated intra-enteric circulation of SN-38, an active metabolite of irinotecan: A new concept. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2023, 665:19-25.
- Ogihara T, Mizoi K, Ishii-Watabe A. Pharmacokinetics of Biopharmaceuticals: Their Critical Role in Molecular Design. Biomedicines. 2023, 11(5):1456.
- Morishita H, Perera LMB, Zhang X, Mizoi K, Ito M, Yano K, Ogihara T. P-Glycoprotein-Mediated Pharmacokinetic Interactions Increase Pimozide hERG Channel Inhibition. J Pharm Sci. 2022, 111(12):3411-3416.
- Zhang X, Liu W, Edaki K, Nakazawa Y, Takahashi S, Sunakawa H, Mizoi K, Ogihara T. Slug Mediates MRP2 Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. Biomolecules. 2022, 12(6):806.
- Mizoi K, Kobayashi M, Mashimo A, Matsumoto E, Masuda N, Itoh M, Ueno T, Tachiki H, Ishida S, Ogihara T. Directional Drug Transport through Membrane-Supported Monolayers of Human Liver-Derived Cell Lines. Biol Pharm Bull. 2022, 45(1):150-153.
- Zhang X, Nakajima T, Mizoi K, Tsushima Y, Ogihara T. Imaging modalities for monitoring acute therapeutic effects after near-infrared photoimmunotherapy in vivo. J Biophotonics. 2022, 15(1):e202100266.
- Zhang X, Liu W, Edaki K, Nakazawa Y, Kamioka H, Fujita A, Onozato R, Iijima M, Tsuchida S, Arai T, Fujita Y, Mizoi K, Ogihara T. Correlations of mRNA Levels among Efflux Transporters, Transcriptional Regulators, and Scaffold Proteins in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol. 2021, 2021:4005327.
- Zhang X, Ogihara T, Zhu M, Gantumur D, Li Y, Mizoi K, Kamioka H, Tsushima Y. Effect of metformin on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake and positron emission tomographic imaging. Br J Radiol. 2022, 95(1130):20200810.
- Ueno T, Takahashi S, Nakamura T, Tanaka Y, Hori H, Mizoi K, Ogihara T. Evaluation system for cell-permeable CYP3A4 inhibitory activity using 1α,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3-induced intestinal cell lines. Xenobiotica. 2021, 51(7):771-777.
- 高野由博, 加部春香, 溝井健太, 箱田恵子, 峯野知子, 矢野健太郎, 荻原琢男. 簡易懸濁時におけるACE阻害薬の安定性に対する酸化マグネシウムの影響. 医療薬学. 2021, 47(4):208-216.
- 箱田恵子, 井戸田陽子, 溝井健太, 矢野健太郎, 荒川大, 荻原琢男. 生体内における生理活性作用に対するアントシアニン類の寄与率の解析. 薬理と治療. 2021, 49(1):53-62.
- Ogihara T, Mizoi K, Kamioka H, Yano K. Physiological Roles of ERM Proteins and Transcriptional Regulators in Supporting Membrane Expression of Efflux Transporters as Factors of Drug Resistance in Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2020, 12(11):3352.
- Morishita H, Okawa K, Ishii M, Mizoi K, Ito M, Arakawa H, Yano K, Ogihara T. Gastrointestinal absorption of pimozide is enhanced by inhibition of P-glycoprotein. PLoS One. 2020, 15(10):e0232438.
- Mizoi K, Arakawa H, Yano K, Koyama S, Kojima H, Ogihara T. Utility of Three-Dimensional Cultures of Primary Human Hepatocytes (Spheroids) as Pharmacokinetic Models. Biomedicines. 2020, 8(10):374.
- Mizoi K, Hosono M, Kojima H, Ogihara T. Establishment of a primary human hepatocyte spheroid system for evaluating metabolic toxicity using dacarbazine under conditions of CYP1A2 induction. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2020, 35(2):201-206.
- Mizoi K, Takahashi M, Sakai S, Ogihara T, Haba M, Hosokawa M. Structure-activity relationship of atorvastatin derivatives for metabolic activation by hydrolases. Xenobiotica. 2020, 50(3):261-269.
- Mizoi K, Fukai Y, Matsumoto E, Koyama S, Ishida S, Kojima H, Ogihara T. Usefulness and limitations of mRNA measurement in HepaRG cells for evaluation of cytochrome P450 induction. Fundam Toxicol Sci. 2020, 7(1):9-14.
- Yano K, Seto S, Kamioka H, Mizoi K, Ogihara T. Testosterone and androstenedione are endogenous substrates of P-glycoprotein. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019, 520(1):166-170.
- Mimori S, Kawada K, Saito R, Takahashi M, Mizoi K, Okuma Y, Hosokawa M, Kanzaki T. Indole-3-propionic acid has chemical chaperone activity and suppresses endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced neuronal cell death. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019, 517(4):623-628.
- 溝井健太, 山口太一, 髙橋正人, 小濱剛. モクズガニの総アスタキサンチンの定量方法の検討 -アスタキサンチンの抽出方法およびヒドロキシ型アスタキサンチンへの変換方法について-. 千葉科学大学紀要. 12, 97-104 (2019).
- Mizoi K, Takahashi M, Haba M, Hosokawa M. Synthesis and evaluation of atorvastatin esters as prodrugs metabolically activated by human carboxylesterases. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2016, 26(3):921-923.
- Mizoi K, Mashima Y, Kawashima Y, Takahashi M, Mimori S, Hosokawa M, Murakami Y, Hamana H. A new methodology for functionalization at the 3-position of indoles by a combination of boron Lewis acid with nitriles. Chem Pharm Bull. 2015, 63(7):538-545.