
教授 三浦 隆史
東北大学大学院薬学研究科 修士(薬学)
東北大学大学院薬学研究科 博士(薬学)
米国ミズーリ大学研究講師、東北大学薬学部助手、講師、准教授を経て現職 -
銅の細胞内取り込みの分子メカニズム -
- " “Potential role of serotonin as a biological reductant associated with copper transportation”
Kaede Saito, Kasumi Watanabe, Risa Yanaoka, Lisa Kageyama, Takashi Miura
J. Inorg. Biochem. 199, 110770 (2019). - " “Examination of the association states of dehydroergosterol towards understanding the association structures of sterols in a membrane”
Kunisato Kuroi, Masatomo Imaizumi, Takashi Miura, Takakazu Nakabayashi
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 515, 228-233 (2019). - " “Comparison of extracellular Cys/Trp motif between Schizosaccharomyces pombe Ctr4 and Ctr5”
Mariko Okada, Takashi Miura, Takakazu Nakabayashi
J. Inorg. Biochem. 169, 97-105 (2017). - " “Acquisition of pro-oxidant activity of fALS-linked SOD1 mutants as revealed using circular dichroism and UV-resonance Raman spectroscopy”
Nobuhiro Fujimaki, Ken Nishiya, Takashi Miura, Takakazu Nakabayashi
Chem. Phys. 479, 5-10 (2016). - "Copper(I) stabilization by cysteine/tryptophan motif in the extracellular domain of Ctr4" Mariko Okada and Takashi Miura, J. Inorg. Biochem. 159, 45-49 (2016).
- "Disperse Orange 3 as a resonance Raman probe for measuring membrane order" Yuki Numakura and Takashi Miura, FEBS Open Bio, 5, 859-863 (2015).
- "Effect of amyloid β-peptide on the fluidity of phosphatidylcholine membranes: Uses and limitations of diphenylhexatriene fluorescence anisotropy" Masako Suzuki and Takashi Miura, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1848, 753-759 (2015).
- "His-Trp Cation-π Interaction and Its Structural Role in an α-Helical Dimer of HIV-1 Vpr Protein" Takayuki Kamiyama, Takashi Miura, and Hideo Takeuchi, Biophys. Chem., 173-174, 8-14 (2013).
- "Evidence for the Cation-π Interaction between Cu2+ and Tryptophan" Hanami Yorita, Kohei Otomo, Hirotsugu Hiramatsu, Akira Toyama, Takashi Miura, and Hideo Takeuchi, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 15266-15267 (2008).
- "Non-Electrostatic Binding and Self-Association of Amyloid β-Peptide on the Surface of Tightly Packed Phosphatidylcholine Membranes" Mayumi Yoda, Takashi Miura, and Hideo Takeuchi, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 376, 56-59 (2008).
- "Clustered Negative Charges on the Lipid Membrane Surface Induce β-Sheet Formation of Prion Protein Fragment 106-126" Takashi Miura, Mayumi Yoda, Naoyuki Takaku, Takanori Hirose, and Hideo Takeuchi. Biochemistry, 46, 11589-11597 (2007).
- "Copper Reduction by the Octapeptide Repeat Region of Prion Protein: pH Dependence and Implications in Cellular Copper Uptake" Takashi Miura, Satoshi Sasaki, Akira Toyama, and Hideo Takeuchi, Biochemistry, 44, 8712-8720 (2005).
- "Copper selectively triggers β-sheet assembly of an N-terminally truncated amyloid β-peptide beginning with Glu3" T. Miura, S. Mitani, C. Takanashi & N. Mochizuki, J. Inorg. Biochem. 98, 10-14 (2004).
- "Protonation of histidine and histidine-tryptophan interaction in the activation of the M2 ion channel from influenza A virus" A. Okada, T. Miura & H. Takeuchi, Biochemistry 40, 6053-6060 (2001).
- "Metal binding modes of Alzheimer's amyloid β-peptide in insoluble aggregates and soluble complexes" T. Miura, K. Suzuki, N. Kohata & H. Takeuchi, Biochemistry 39, 7024-7031 (2000).
- "脂質膜と金属イオンによるアミロイドβペプチドのコンホメーション制御" 三浦隆史、依田真由美、堤千裕、村山紀代子、竹内英夫、薬学雑誌 130, 495-501 (2010).
- "Optical and vibrational spectroscopic methods" T. Miura & G. J. Thomas, Jr. Introduction to Biophysical Methods for Protein and Nucleic Acid Research (J. A. Glasel and M. P. Deutscher, Eds.) Academic Press, 261-315 (1995).
- "Raman spectroscopy of proteins and their assemblies" T. Miura & G. J. Thomas, Jr. Subcellular Biochemistry 24, 55-99 (1995).
- " “Potential role of serotonin as a biological reductant associated with copper transportation”
- 薬剤師は薬の専門家として、病院や薬局のみならず製薬関連企業・研究機関・薬事行政など幅広い分野から求められています。このため、様々な分野からの要求に応えられるような知識と洞察力を身につけておけば、薬剤師になってからの自分の可能性を大きく広げることができます。若いうちに沢山のことを学び、吸収して、自己のポテンシャルを高めておきましょう。