
助教 持田 淳美
国際医療福祉大学薬学部薬学科卒業 学士(薬学)
国際医療福祉大学大学院薬学研究科 博士(薬学)
国際医療福祉大学薬学部薬学科卒業 学士(薬学)
ストレス性精神疾患の病態解明と新規治療戦略の開発 -
- Takahashi K, Tsuji M, Nakagawasai O, Katsuyama S, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tadano T. Polarization to M1-type microglia in the hippocampus is involved in depression-like behavior in a mouse model of olfactory dysfunction. Neurochem Int. 175, 105723, 2024.
- Takahashi K, Kurokawa K, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Repeated antibiotic drug treatment negatively affects memory function and glutamatergic nervous system of the hippocampus in mice. Neurosci Let. 825, 137711.
- Takahashi K, Kurokawa K, Hong L, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Hippocampal and gut AMPK activation attenuates enterocolitis-like symptoms and co-occurring depressive-like behavior in ulcerative colitis model mice: Involvement of brain-gut autophagy. Exp Neurol. 373, 114671.
- Nomura A, Kurokawa K, Takahashi K, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Possible involvement of inflammasomes on the post-stroke cognitive impairment in a mouse model of embolic cerebral infarct. Physiol Behav. 271, 114348.
- Umeda A, Shimada H, Yamane T, Mochizuki T, Inoue Y, Tsushima K, Miyagawa K, Mochida A, Takeda H, Okada Y, Masaki K, Matsusaka M, Fukunaga K. Real-world effects of once-daily inhaled steroid (fluticasone furoate) combined with long-acting beta-2 agonist (vilanterol) and long-acting muscarinic antagonist (umeclidinium) on lung function tests of asthma patients in Japan. Front Physiol. 14, 1131949, 2023.
- Takahashi K, Hong L, Kurokawa K, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Brexpiprazole prevents colitis-induced depressive-like behavior through myelination in the prefrontal cortex. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 121, 110666, 2023.
- Takahashi K, Tsuji M, Nakagawasai O, Katsuyama S, Hong L, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tadano T. Donepezil prevents olfactory dysfunction and α-synuclein aggregation in the olfactory bulb by enhancing autophagy in zinc sulfate-treated mice. Behav Brain Res. 438, 114175, 2023.
- Umeda A, Miyagawa K, Mochida A, Takeda H, Ohira Y, Kato T, Okada Y, Kotani K. Effects of smoking cessation using varenicline on the serum concentrations of oxidized highdensity lipoprotein: Comparison with highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol. PLoS One. 17(11), e0277766, 2022.
- Takahashi K, Kurokawa K, Hong L, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Correlation between the reduction in hippocampal SirT2 expression and depressive-like behaviors and neurological abnormalities in olfactory bulbectomized mice. Neurosci Res. 182, 76-80, 2022.
- Miyagishi H, Tsuji M, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takahashi K, Kosuge Y, Ishige K, Takeda H. Possible role of transcriptional regulation of 5-HT1A receptor in the midbrain on unadaptation to stress in mice. Brain Res. 1783, 147859, 2022.
- Takahashi K, Kurokawa K, Hong L, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Iwasa M, Iwasa H, Nakagawasai O, Tadano T, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Antidepressant effects of Enterococcus faecalis 2001 through the regulation of prefrontal cortical myelination via the enhancement of CREB/BDNF and NF-κB p65/LIF/STAT3 pathways in olfactory bulbectomized mice. J Psychiatr Res. 148, 137-148, 2022.
- Kimijima H, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takahashi K, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Trichostatin A, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, alleviates the emotional abnormality induced by maladaptation to stress in mice. Neurosci Lett. 766, 136340, 2021.
- Kurokawa K, Takahashi K, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Activation of 5-HT1A receptor reduces abnormal emotionality in stress-maladaptive mice by alleviating decreased myelin protein in the ventral hippocampus. Neurochem Int. 151, 105213, 2021.
- Takahashi K, Kurokawa K, Hong L, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Disturbance of prefrontal cortical myelination in olfactory bulbectomized mice is associated with depressive-like behavior. Neurochem Int. 148, 105112, 2021.
- Akai H, Miyagawa K, Takahashi K, Mochida-Saito A, Kurokawa K, Takeda H, Tsuji M, Sugawara H, Yasaka K, Kunimatsu A, Inoue Y, Abe O, Ohtomo K, Kiryu S. Effects of Gadolinium Deposition in the Brain on Motor or Behavioral Function: A Mouse Model. Radiology. 301(2), 409-416, 2021.
- Umeda A, Ishizaka M, Ikeda A, Miyagawa K, Mochida A, Takeda H, Takeda K, Fukushi I, Okada Y, Gozal D. Recent Insights into the Measurement of Carbon Dioxide Concentrations for Clinical Practice in Respiratory Medicine. Sensors. 21(16), 5636, 2021.
- 武田 弘志, 宮川 和也, 黒川 和宏, 持田(齋藤) 淳美, 髙橋 浩平, 辻 稔. 教育講演 ストレスレジリエンスを制御する分子メカニズムの考究 (第35回日本ストレス学会学術総会記録). ストレス科学. 35(3), 191-200, 2021.
- Takahashi K, Tsuji M, Nakagawasai O, Katsuyama S, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Iwasa M, Iwasa H, Takeda H, Tadano T. Activation of cholinergic system partially rescues olfactory dysfunction-induced learning and memory deficit in mice. Behav Brain Res. 408, 113283, 2021.
- Takahashi K, Nakagawasai O, Nakajima T, Okubo M, Nishimura Y, Sakuma W, Yamagata R, Nemoto W, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Tsuji M, Takeda H, Tadano T, Tan-No K. Dopamine D2 receptor supersensitivity in the hypothalamus of olfactory bulbectomized mice. Brain Res. 1746, 147015, 2020.
- Kurokawa K, Tsuji M, Takahashi K, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takeda H. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Participates in the Formation of Stress Adaptation via Hippocampal Myelination in Mice. Neuroscience. 446, 1–13, 2020.
- Takahashi K, Kurokawa K, Miyagawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Nemoto Y, Iwasa H, Nakagawasai O, Tadano T, Takeda H, Tsuji M. Antidementia effects of Enterococcus faecalis 2001 are associated with enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis via the ERK-CREB-BDNF pathway in olfactory bulbectomized mice. Physiol Behave. 223, 112997, 2020.
- Miyagishi H, Tsuji M, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Mochida-Saito A, Takahashi K, Ishige K, Takeda H. Characterization of 5-HT1A receptor and transport protein KIF13A expression in the hippocampus of stress-adaptive and -maladaptive mice. Neurosci Lett. 733, 135082, 2020.
- Umeda A, Miyagawa K, Mochida A, Takeda H, Takeda K, Okada Y, Gozal D. Intermittent hypoxia, energy expenditure, and visceral adipocyte recovery. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 273 103332, 2020.
- Umeda A, Yamane T, Mochizuki T, Inoue Y, Tsushima K, Miyagawa K, Mochida A, Takeda H, Okada Y, Fukunaga K. Real-world efficacy and problems of once-daily use of inhaled steroid (fluticasone furoate) combined with long-acting beta-2 agonist (vilanterol) in Japanese patients with asthma. Cogent Med. 6(1), 2019.
- 持田(齋藤)淳美、宮川和也、宮岸寛子、黒川和宏、君島秀尚、辻 稔、武田弘志.スコポラミン誘発健忘モデルマウスにおけるドコサヘキサエン酸-ホスファチジルセリン複合体製剤の学習記憶改善効果.国際医療福祉大学学会誌.24(1),33-44,2019.
- Tsuji M, Arai I, Miyagawa K, Miyagishi H, Saito A, Takeda K, Takeda H, Akiyama N, Saito S. Involvement of interleukin-31 receptor A in morphine-induced itching and antinociception in mice. Eur J Pain. 23(2), 378-388, 2019.
- Saito A, Miyagawa K, Miyagishi H, Kurokawa K, Umeda A, Okada Y, Tsuji M, Takeda H. Possible involvement of monoamine neurons in the emotional abnormality in Kir6.2-deficient mice. Physiol Behav. 188, 251-261, 2018.
- Ohno R. Miyagishi H, Tsuji M, Saito A, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Takeda H. Yokukansan, a traditional Japanese herbal medicine, enhances the anxiolytic effect of fluvoxamine and reduces cortical 5-HT2A receptor expression in mice. J Ethnopharmacol. 216, 89-96, 2018.
- Ohno R, Miyagishi H, Tsuji M, Saito A, Miyagawa K, Kurokawa K, Takeda H. Repeated treatment with yokukansan, a traditional Japanese herbal medicine, suppresses the increase in the conditioned fear response induced by sigma1 (σ1) receptor agonist in mice. 国際医療福祉大学学会誌. 23(1), 37-43, 2018.
- 齋藤淳美、宮川和也、宮岸寛子、黒川和宏、梅田 啓、岡田泰昌、辻 稔、武田弘志. ATP 感受性カリウムチャネル Kir6.2 のストレス応答における役割. 国際医療福祉大学学会誌. 23(1), 44-51, 2018.
- Miyagishi H, Tsuji M, Saito A, Miyagawa K, Takeda H. Inhibitory effect of yokukansan on the decrease in the hippocampal excitatory amino acid transporter EAAT2 in stress-maladaptive mice. J Tradit Complement Med. 7(4), 371-374, 2017.
- 宮川和也、齋藤淳美、宮岸寛子、武田弘太郎、辻 稔、武田弘志. HDAC阻害薬とストレス反応の調節機構. 心身医学. 56(4), 322-327, 2016.
- 宮川和也、齋藤淳美、宮岸寛子、武田弘太郎、辻 稔、武田弘志. 胎生期ストレス刺激が惹起するストレス脆弱性と脳内5-HT神経機能異常. 日本薬理学雑誌. 147(4), 212-218, 2016.
- 石井大輔、齋藤淳美、宮川和也、辻 稔、武田弘志. 神経障害性慢性疼痛は受動的ストレスコーピングを障害する. 国際医療福祉大学学会誌. 21(1), 66-74, 2016.
- 石井大輔、宮川和也、齋藤淳美、辻 稔、武田弘志. 神経障害性慢性疼痛が惹起するストレス適応形成障害とパロキセチンの除痛効果. 国際医療福祉大学学会誌. 21(1), 75-81, 2016.
- Nakatani Y, Tsuji M, Amano T, Miyagawa K, Miyagishi H, Saito A, Imai T, Takeda K, Ishii D, Takeda H. Neuroprotective Effect of Yokukansan against Cytotoxicity Induced by Corticosterone on Mouse Hippocampal Neurons. Phytomedicine. 21, 1458-1465, 2014.
- 第31回日本ストレス学会学術総会 奨励賞 (高田賞)
- 第38回日本ストレス学会学術総会 優秀賞
- 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 研究活動スタート支援:カリウムのストレスにおける役割の解明とメンタルヘルスケアへの応用 (2020年9月~2022年3月)
- 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究:ストレス性精神疾患発症予防に向けた低酸素シグナルのストレス応答に及ぼす影響の解明(2023年4月~2026年3月)
薬学部が4年制から6年制になり、薬の専門家として薬剤師に対する期待も高まってきています。その分、より深く幅広い知識、考える力、コミュニケーション能力が必要とされており、常に学び、新しい知識を得ることで現代の医療の変化に対応していかなければなりません。みなさんが社会に出たときに、常に学び、考えて行動のできる、そして、向上心を持った薬剤師として医療の現場に貢献できるよう力になれたらと思っております。 -